Daughter at Two

posted in: baby, family, memories, multilingual, prose | 0

Daughter turned two a month ago, somewhere in the week between one of my trips to Illinois for a wedding and the big brewfest that Ryan organized and hosted. Since Daughter’s first two years have been so full of traveling, parents’ … Continued


posted in: anger, difficulty, family, love, poetry, vice | 0

You had fallen down the stairs before,my rough and tumble child.And you got up to play some more.You only had a little while.I have brushed tears off your cheeksand gravel from your knees.But all our strength is still too weakfor … Continued

Nice Things

posted in: daily poem, family, friends, poetry, time, work | 0

Would you rather have nice things or good days?Would you rather get along or get a raise?I look around and I’m always amazedhow our lives pass so fast. When they end the stuff stays.

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