Daughter at Two

posted in: baby, family, memories, multilingual, prose | 0

Daughter turned two a month ago, somewhere in the week between one of my trips to Illinois for a wedding and the big brewfest that Ryan organized and hosted. Since Daughter’s first two years have been so full of traveling, parents’ … Continued


posted in: daily poem, memories, poetry | 0

Until that lunch when we broke out some MREsyou had never told me all those memories.There are years you’d probably never even think aboutif they weren’t arranged in layers in the closets of this house.And I never really realized just … Continued


posted in: daily poem, memories, poetry, time | 0

About half of my life agoI watched two towers fallon TV screens in middle school.I heard worry in the halland crying friends with familyon business trips that day.And we all just wanted to knowif we would be okay.And we were, … Continued

Spring Inside

posted in: daily poem, memories, nature, poetry | 0

Spring smells like my college town, the last place I smelled spring,and it’s like I’m in Kentucky in the morning when birds sing,and the breeze is Colorado with the window open wide,and now I realize how much spring I’ve bottled … Continued