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What do you know, and what could you learn? Let’s teach each other; we’ll all take turns. I could teach about my life: how to make good beans and rice, how to cook sans rice and beans, how to live … Continued
What do you know, and what could you learn? Let’s teach each other; we’ll all take turns. I could teach about my life: how to make good beans and rice, how to cook sans rice and beans, how to live … Continued
Catch the phone just by the echo of its last ring, run outside to glimpse the eclipse of the moon, learn as if it is the first day of summer, and grow like it’s your last day in the womb.
A few Sundays ago I was picking Daughter up from the nursery at my grandparents’ church, where we were visiting. The nursery worker let me know what Daughter did while I was in church: she dirtied her diaper, she played happily, she babbled but … Continued
I need to write more poems again.I miss the way my brain worked then.I also need to play more songs,design more websites, right more wrongs,find more clients, make more cash,do more with my craft-stuff stash,speak more Spanish, read more books,spend … Continued
Thank you for saying that you don’t know.That’s almost all that I needed to know.It’s as important as knowing the answer– you know?
Do we indoctrinate? Or preach? Or just empower, guide, and reach? And do we brainwash when we teach? If so, then should we end all speech?
There is nothing like your very own child to make you get your story straight.Those questions towards the base of your brain awake when they would rather wait.The whole world asks these questions, clamoring to make their answers known.And suddenly … Continued
Now my sister’s all grown up. That is, she’s graduated. But if she still finds more to learn, well, I guess we are related.
In these two weeks since I have written,the first warm days of spring have come,and we have spent no little timemaking up for lack of sun.And we have talked until we’ve foundwhere our sameness endsand then we’ve talked until we’ve … Continued
I’m on page eleven of a four-hundred-and-fifty-five page book, and three of the pages I had to read again.I’m sure I’ll have learned a lot by the time I am done but what I really want to know is– when?