That Peculiar Smell
It’s so humid today that when I open the closet door, it smells the same peculiar way it did a year ago when I was soaking those same closet walls in water to get the loose, cracked, 112-year-old wallpaper off. … Continued
It’s so humid today that when I open the closet door, it smells the same peculiar way it did a year ago when I was soaking those same closet walls in water to get the loose, cracked, 112-year-old wallpaper off. … Continued
Seven is the number of completion. One week left: completely incomplete. But when I am through I will be finished because I just have strength for one small week.
After this, I’ll either have more to do or something big to cross off my list. I’m going to an interview. I think I’m ready for this.
It’s not so bad to hunker down and do what must be done for about a week and a half. And then we yearn for fun.
You were working, I was sleeping, You were earning, I was keeping track of everything at home. Yesterday, I brought home bacon, but you, my love, were barely here. When you come home from work today, the sound of bacon … Continued
They don’t make dust masks for toddlers, at least not that I know. And so, for this whole Saturday, to Grandma’s you must go.
I don’t remember a single thing I did on the fifth of March. There must have been something, for if there had been nothing, I would have done everything I’ve been meaning to do. So I know I did something … Continued
How tired you must be of going to Menards. Your parents go too often. I know it must be hard.
Norwex is a company that mainly sells microfiber products that allow you to clean with just water. In February last year, Norwex ran a special where you could sign up to be a consultant and get a package of product … Continued
Somedays you win a prize. Somedays you earn it. And some of those days you earn it, you get it, and some you earn it and don’t.