Daughter at Two

posted in: baby, family, memories, multilingual, prose | 0
Daughter eating and playing with homemade playdough
taking a break from playdough to eat

Daughter turned two a month ago, somewhere in the week between one of my trips to Illinois for a wedding and the big brewfest that Ryan organized and hosted. Since Daughter’s first two years have been so full of traveling, parents’ projects, and taking one week at a time, we decided to stick with the theme and throw a non-existent party. Daughter, it’s not that we don’t love you, it’s that we just weren’t ready for you to be two yet. Plus, since you’re so young, you wouldn’t have remembered the party anyway, and most of what we do is just to remember it later, right?

At two years old, Daughter:

  • tries not to nap and then naps at 7pm.
  • sings “Leh ih go! Leh ih go! …anymore!” whenever she’s feeling epic.
  • survives mostly on mama’s milk, scrambled eggs (if they’re not overcooked), sweet potatoes, veggie straws, cheerios, almond milk, the tips of cooked asparagus, and her reserves from that time when we went to a Chinese buffet.
  • would like to eat chocolate more often.
  • sits through a whole Berenstain Bears book or slowly “reads” it herself.
  • points out O, A, X, M, and sometimes other letters whenever she sees them.
  • calls her dad “Papá” and her mom “Mommy” because that’s how her parents refer to each other when speaking to her.
  • loves to wear “tidos” (vestidos/dresses) and “patos” (zapatos/shoes) but is quick to take off her clothes if they are wet or she is warm.
  • says a lot of words in English and a lot of words in Spanish but doesn’t make phrases very often yet.
  • smiles, waves and says “¡Adios!” when she thinks I’m about to interfere with her disobedience.

So why throw a birthday party when every day is such an adventure? I’ll just blog about the adventures so I can remember them a little longer.