That Peculiar Smell
It’s so humid today that when I open the closet door, it smells the same peculiar way it did a year ago when I was soaking those same closet walls in water to get the loose, cracked, 112-year-old wallpaper off. … Continued
It’s so humid today that when I open the closet door, it smells the same peculiar way it did a year ago when I was soaking those same closet walls in water to get the loose, cracked, 112-year-old wallpaper off. … Continued
Norwex is a company that mainly sells microfiber products that allow you to clean with just water. In February last year, Norwex ran a special where you could sign up to be a consultant and get a package of product … Continued
(In which I summarize two months of crazy into a long list of emotional thoughts.) There are actually a lot of houses in our price range! There are a lot of houses in our price range that should be torn … Continued
There are, of course, things to despise about an old house, as I may detail in some later post. Hey, a bunch of these “things to love” are just cleverly-disguised banes of my existence. But some of these little details are truly charming. I would … Continued
I’m sitting on the steps in what used to be the pantry that used to be steps. I convinced myself, and then Ryan, that we could use the steps more than we could use the storage. So two days ago … Continued
I guess it’s only been a week since we bought the house, but it seems like ripping paneling off of walls and cleaning grease off of kitchen shelves have been a part of my life for a long time. Taking … Continued
There are few things worthy of waking a toddler from her nap, but one of the few might be fetching your down payment from the bank before the bank closes the day before The Closing. So Daughter woke up to … Continued
Sometime this summer, Daughter will move into the fourth home of her two-year-old life. And she likely won’t move again for quite a while (at least relatively speaking) because… …we’re buying a house! So, the outside looks pretty sweet. As … Continued
These shoes are in the dump now. The crocs were worn through to the ground; the hiking shoes were falling apart at the seams. I had walked many miles in those shoes. The hiking shoes were the ones I wore … Continued