How to Get to Know Your Neighbors
Narrow lots and alleys, front porches and cracked plaster– this is how to get to know your neighbors.
Narrow lots and alleys, front porches and cracked plaster– this is how to get to know your neighbors.
Norwex is a company that mainly sells microfiber products that allow you to clean with just water. In February last year, Norwex ran a special where you could sign up to be a consultant and get a package of product … Continued
I saw a picture of a bean bag once. And I thought to myself, “What a lovely bean bag! I could make a homemade bean bag. But think of all the fabric I would have to buy– yards and yards! … Continued
There is nothing new under the sun and with all these projects half undone there’ll be nothing new let on our list. We have enough. We’ll start with this.
It was high time I reupholstered this chair that has been hanging out in our kitchen. This is a chair that I found sitting politely next to the dumpster back at the apartment. I snagged it and, since it had … Continued
This is an upholstery project I did last summer. My MIL and GMIL’s chairs went from a scuffed-up burnt orange to a fresh aqua pattern. And I did it in a few hours on one of the last days before … Continued
When the weather’s kinda crappy at least you know you can be happy that your housework’s getting done because it’s relatively fun. On the day’s the weather’s nice you just want to be outside. So get some loppers, spades and … Continued
I can lie in my bed with my eyes closed and jump from room to room. I am lying on my right ear, so at the apartment I am facing the changing table, at the old house a chest of … Continued
This is my home, where the buffalo roamed and the deer and the antelope played. And there’s still some out there, breathing in the fresh air, and I have a warm place to stay.
I couldn’t stand it anymore– all the toys out on the floor, and yet, although the toys looked fun, they were not used by anyone, except, sometimes, to hurt our feet, or keep our house from looking neat. “One-at-a-time, not … Continued