
posted in: daily poem, Poem Diem 2015, poetry, time, work | 0

Seven is the number of completion.
One week left: completely incomplete.
But when I am through I will be finished
because I just have strength for one small week.

The Things We Ask About

posted in: baby, daily poem, Poem Diem 2015, poetry | 0

They always asked, “Is he growing?”
and “Is he sleeping well?”
until he evidently was.
And then no one ever asked,
“Are you, by chance,
giving your baby steroids
and sleeping pills
just so we’ll stop
No, no one ever asked that.


posted in: daily poem, Poem Diem 2015, poetry | 0

Is there a small place of bliss between busy and bored?
Or do they overlap?
Find your purpose
to push them apart.
Maybe that is your purpose.


posted in: daily poem, Poem Diem 2015, poetry | 0

Since I got this smarter phone,
I have less time to read,
unless, of course, I count my time
spent reading through my feed.
They call it that, don’t you know,
because it eats your brain.
You are feeding your feed now.
I bet you can’t refrain.

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