Seven is the number of completion. One week left: completely incomplete. But when I am through I will be finished because I just have strength for one small week.
Seven is the number of completion. One week left: completely incomplete. But when I am through I will be finished because I just have strength for one small week.
I don’t own my thoughts. They all are just rented. Some day I’ll invent something that hasn’t been invented.
The sun went away, and so did the warmth and the smell of spring in the air. But what I miss most is seeing my neighbors out on the sidewalks we share.
They always asked, “Is he growing?” and “Is he sleeping well?” until he evidently was. And then no one ever asked, “Are you, by chance, giving your baby steroids and sleeping pills just so we’ll stop asking?” No, no one … Continued
Is there a small place of bliss between busy and bored? Or do they overlap? Find your purpose to push them apart. Maybe that is your purpose.
Wake up now, or keep on sleeping all through the night. Eat enough. Don’t ruin supper. So much we must get right.
After this, I’ll either have more to do or something big to cross off my list. I’m going to an interview. I think I’m ready for this.
I did the thing I was afraid to do. I didn’t know I was afraid to do it, but I was putting it off. I guess, since I’m not too dramatic, that’s what fear looks like. When I realized that’s … Continued
This week is sun and melting snow and mud and squishy-toeing and if the sun keeps beaming down the grass will soon be growing. But, you know what else already grows just like a weed? My list of things to … Continued