The Fifth of March
I don’t remember a single thing I did on the fifth of March. There must have been something, for if there had been nothing, I would have done everything I’ve been meaning to do. So I know I did something … Continued
I don’t remember a single thing I did on the fifth of March. There must have been something, for if there had been nothing, I would have done everything I’ve been meaning to do. So I know I did something … Continued
You’ve been nice to look upon, but I’ll be happy when you’re gone.
Close to a friend, but still pretty far. You think that it’s your party. We parents know it’s ours. For we’re the one’s talking and seeing eye to eye, and you’re just making the time pass by.
How tired you must be of going to Menards. Your parents go too often. I know it must be hard.
Broken Corelware. So that’s what it looks like. But perhaps I’ve seen that once before. Once my dad broke his arm– I hadn’t known that could happen. And then the other day I read the blog of two classmates who … Continued
A desk, a shelf, and two shelves more, two dressers and five different doors, a hamper and another one, the wall and door frames– yes, what fun– the posts below the bathroom sink, the toilet, tub… that’s it, I think– … Continued
Somedays you win a prize. Somedays you earn it. And some of those days you earn it, you get it, and some you earn it and don’t.
The police thought that we were burglars. After, all, we were looking for something in the dark, trying to get a good deal, someplace we shouldn’t have been, if only because that’s not where the prize was hidden.
Remember that time when we asked for directions, and the guy at the gas station just said, “You can’t get there from here.” But the truth is, you can get anyplace from anywhere. You might need a bike, or a … Continued